GCCF Standard of Points
Tortie Colours
Colour distribution is random and immaterial though a solid foot is not permissible. Ticking, ear tips and tufts, facial markings, top and tip of tail, toe tufts and heels to be a mingling of the standard ticking colour and that determined by the sex-linked gene. Chest, belly, under tail, inside of legs and breeches to be a mingling of the standard base coat colour and that determined by the sex-linked gene. Presence or absence of a blaze is immaterial.
Withhold Certificates or First Prizes in Kitten Open Classes for (additional to General Type Standard):
1. Solid foot
2. Absence of contrast sufficient to obscure ticking
3. All other withholding faults as in the Somali General Type
Overall impression - A mixture of rich, golden brown ticked with black and reddish apricot ticked with red.
Ticking, ear tIps and tufts, facial markings, top and tip of tall, toe tufts and heels -A mingling of black and bright red.
Chest, belly, under tall, Inside of legs and breeches - A mingling of apricot and red.
Nose leather - Red and/or pink.
Paw pads - Black and/or pink.
Withhold Certificates or First Prizes in Kitten Open Classes for (additional to General Type Standard):
1.Grey roots extending over a large area of the body. (Seasonal darkening at the roots during change of coat should not be penalised)
SORREL TORTIE (63Lat; 63Sat)
Overall impression - A mixture of lustrous copper ticked with cinnamon and reddish apricot ticked with red.
Ticking, ear tips and tufts, facial markings, top and tip of tall, toe tufts and heels - A mingling of cinnamon and bright red.
Chest, belly, under tall, Inside of legs and breeches - A mingling of apricot and red.
Nose leather and paw pads - Red and/or pink.
Overall impression - A mixture of rich, warm chestnut brown ticked with dark chocolate and reddish apricot ticked with red.
Ticking, ear tips and tufts, facial markings, top and tip of tall, toe tufts and heels - A mingling of dark chocolate and bright red.
Chest, belly, under tall, Inside of legs and breeches - A mingling of apricot and red.
Nose leather and paw pads- Pinkish chocolate and/or pink.
BLUE TORTIE (63Lct; 63Sct)
Overall impression - A mixture of soft, warm blue ticked with a deeper blue-grey and pale cream ticked with a rich cream.
Ticking, ear tips and tufts, facial markings, top and tip of tall, toe tufts and heels - A mingling of blue and warm cream.
Chest, belly, under tall, Inside of legs and breeches - Pale
Nose leather and paw pads - Mauvish blue and/or pink.
LILAC TORTIE (63Ldt; 63Sdt)
Overall impression - A mixture of warm, dove grey ticked with a deeper dove grey and pale cream ticked with a rich cream.
Ticking, ear tips and tufts, facial markings, top and tip of tall, toe tufts and heels - A mingling of lilac and cream.
Chest, belly, under tall, Inside of legs and breeches - Pale cream.
Nose leather and paw pads - Mauvish pink and/or pink.
FAWN TORTIE (63Let; 63Set)
Overall impression - A mixture of warm, powdery fawn ticked with a deeper fawn and pale cream ticked with a rich cream.
Ticking, ear tips and tufts, facial markings, top and tip of tall, toe tufts and heels - A mingling of warm fawn and cream.
Chest, belly, under tall, Inside of legs and breeches - Pale cream.
Nose leather and paw pads - Mauvish pink and/or pink.