SOMALI Breed Advisory Committee

Working to ensure healthy, happy lives for Somalis by providing information, support and education to owners, breeders and judges

What is a Breed Advisory Committee (BAC)?

A Breed Advisory Committee (BAC) is a committee of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF). There is a BAC for each breed with a responsibility to work in the interests of the cats of its Breed by establishing, monitoring and maintaining its Breeding Policy, Registration Policy and the Standards of Points. The BAC also monitors the training and performance of the Judges on its list and candidates for Judges within its Probationer Judge Appointment Scheme. The BAC also provides a forum for discussion for the Constituent Club. This BAC considers all aspects of the Somali Breed.

The BAC operates in accordance with its Constitution which is based on a GCCF template for BACs and after personalisation to meet specific BACs purposes is approved by the GCCF’s Board. Once formed the BAC become the sole group recognised as the advisory/recommending body to the GCCF Council for that Breed.

The BAC's Constitution, Philosophy and Principles of Appointing Judges together with the Procedure for Selection can be seen by clicking the Documents links.

Date of next meeting

Sunday 4th October 2020

Who is on the Somali BAC?

The Somali BAC is made up of the independent Chairman, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the current committee of the Somali Cat Club as the sole constituent club recognised by the GCCF for the breed.

The Chairman: Fiona Hermon ( )

The Vice-Chairman: Di Taylor (email:

The Secretary: Naomi Johnson ( )

The Treasurer: Brian Gregory(email:


The Constituent Club is:
The Somali Cat Club of Great Britain (web:
(Hon. Sec.: Di Taylor– email:


Website - email:

Judge Appointment Scheme

The BAC administers the Judges Appointment Scheme for the Somali Breed list. The system is a unified system applied throughout the Cat Fancy. The requirements are clearly defined and the scheme operates within an identified procedure. The appointment and dismissal of Judges is the prerogative of Council who usually base their decisions on the recommendations of the BAC.

The Scheme covers all aspects of training and monitoring from Stewarding, through being a Probationer Judge to promotion and review of a Full Judge. The Rules of the Somali BAC are as defined in the core GCCF Rules to ensure compatibility throughout all the Breed BACs. An application to enter the scheme or apply to become a Judge is accompanied by a fee that is set by the GCCF. Details of the Philosophy and Principles of the judges Appointment Scheme together with the Procedure for the training and selection process are shown in the Document links.

The BAC also holds Seminars from time to time. These Seminars are intended to educate and train breeders, exhibitors, those participating in the BAC’s Judge Appointment Scheme as well as existing Full Judges to ensure a full understanding of the Somali breed.

Breed Number System

A new Breed Number system using the EMS Codes has replaced the GCCF Breed Numbering System.

Download the EMS codes here
Download "A Guide to EMS Codes" here